Saving money through solar power

Solar Panel Installer

The rise in energy bills over the last 12 months has led to many people asking how they can both save money and also make greener energy choices when it comes to gas and electricity at home. One popular option is by installing solar panels.

Equipping your roof with solar panels will not only reduce energy bills but it’ll cut down on your reliance on burning fossil fuels. You’ll be generating your own, renewable electricity – which reduces the amount you’ll need to pay your energy company, and furthermore you’ll receive a small payment for the energy you don’t use – because this is feedback into the local network.

This has made solar panels an incredibly popular option. In this article we’ll examine the benefits provided by investing in solar panels.

How do solar panels work?

Solar PV cells are nestled between semi-conducting material (this is usually silicon). When light shines on them, electrons are loosened, creating an electrical flow. Solar cells combined form panels, with multiple panels forming an array. They are placed on south-facing roofs to expose them to as much as light as possible.

The Benefits of Solar Panels


One of the primary reasons to get solar panels is that they can provide significant energy savings. You can really cut down on your electricity costs. If your array is large enough, you’ll potentially be able to produce enough electricity for your whole home.

What kind of savings can I expect?

As a result of the money spent on installing solar panels you can save as much as £300 per year, while a home using electric heating may save up to £900. Ultimately savings are dependent on several factors – including where you live and how much energy you use.

Due to the money, you’ve saved on paying energy bills, the average household can break even within 11 to 15 years through solar panels.

Solar panels installed properly by an approved fitter will switch seamlessly between using the electricity provided by the panels and the energy provided by the grid. You’ll not notice any kind of difference between the electricity supplies.

Earning money

It is possible to earn money through solar panels and the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) scheme. This scheme allows you to be paid for any excess renewable energy you export back to the National Grid.

Licensed energy suppliers with 150,000 customers or more must provide at least one Smart Export Guarantee tariff. Smaller suppliers can voluntarily offer a tariff.

By signing up to a SEG tariff you will be paid for excess electricity you generate that is fed back into the grid.


It’s vital to remember that solar panels generate renewable energy. The power they provide is from the sun, and an endless resource which you can draw upon without producing a carbon footprint. If you want to ensure that your carbon footprint is reduced, then solar panels are a sure-fire way to do so.

What to consider before installing Solar Panels

Is my roof suitable for solar panels?

You’ll need to ensure you’ve got enough space and that you roof is in good condition before installing solar panels. The average solar system uses 15 panels which require around 25m2. Solar panels work best when they’re installed on an unshaded roof which is south facing – though east and west facing roofs will also work (though they won’t generate as much electricity).

Solar storage systems and solar batteries

If you are planning to install solar panels you may want to consider installing either a solar battery or energy storage system. This will allow you to store the electricity which the panels generate a night, helping you to become further self-sufficient.

Does it matter where I live?

Solar power isn’t concerned with temperature but daylight hours.

Those based in London and the Southeast of England will get the most sunlight, whereas people based in Scotland get the least.

How to get solar panels installed

You need to find a reliable and trusted Solar Panel Installer Scotland. Make sure that they are registered with the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS). 

How to get the most out of solar panels

Keep the panels clean

Regularly clean the solar panels to ensure they work effectively. There are solar panel cleaning kits available

Focus Electricity use during the day

Solar panels are most effective during daylight hours. This means it’s best to use electricity during the day as it will reduce reliance on the grid.

Reduce energy wastage

Turning off lights when they’re not in use, taking shorter showers, and also doing things such as draught proofing your home can really help your overall energy efficiency.

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